Below you will find a list of presentations, that have been prepared to report on the project progress.
Project Final Reports
Due to completing the CRENG program development phase, 36M reports and Final Reports for partner countries are published by partner universities.
Will be added soon
Project amendment
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global lockdown, the restrictions on traveling and stationary working, and the closure of borders, the project implementation process has been disrupted.
The essential tools in the project are: mobility to train teachers and staff of partner universities, active search and recruitment of students for lectures and training, and cooperation with business partners. In pandemic conditions, these activities were curtailed entirely and transferred, as far as possible, to the Internet. The requirements for traveling between partner countries have tightened, as well as the flow of mail and physical documents.
Pandemic factors also caused significant difficulties with the availability of the computer equipment required to create CRENG Labs and the equipment of CRENG Service Offices. These difficulties translated into broken tender procedures and the need to repeat them in new, more challenging conditions.
The limited travel possibilities, availability of project partners and students, and objective challenges in purchasing the equipment caused the elements of the Work Plan to be postponed in time. The project coordinator submitted the updated Work Plan to the EACEA, which approved it and agreed to extend the project.
Therefore, on behalf of the Project Management Board, in consultation with coordinators in partner countries, European universities, and administration units, on September 9, 2021, the project coordinator applied to the European Education and Culture Executive Agency to extend the project implementation.
EACEA officially extended the project implementation until July 14, 2022.
Change in the CRENG project consortium due to the change in the structure of partner University
The Consortium informs about the structural change at the partner university, which was reported to the project coordinator in a letter dated Jun 06, 2022, signed by Prof. Oleksandr Pshinko, Rector of the newly established University.
The structural change results from the merger of two existing higher education units: The Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport, named after Academician V. Lazarian (former partner in the CRENG project, PIC 939331802), and the National Metallurgical Academy in Ukraine (PIC 988793945). As a result of the merger, the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (USUST, Ukrayinskyy Derzhaynyy Universytet Nauky i Tekhnolohiy) was established.
The Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, registered in Dnipro, Ukraine, received and validated PIC number 888284000 and takes over the obligations of The Dnipro National University of Railway Transport, named after Academician V. Lazarian in the CRENG project, without reservations and exclusions.
Survey Results: Training Satisfaction
Survey Results on Training Satisfaction [27.25 KB]
24 Month Reports
24_Month_Report_AzTU [289.07 KB]
24_Month_Report_ITIT [332.29 KB]
24_Month_Report_PSTU [944.19 KB]
24_Month_Report_SUIT [1.08 MB]
24_Month_Report_TSACI [1.33 MB]
24_Month_Report_UTECA [2.44 MB]
18 Month Reports
18 Month Report AzTU [3.06 MB]
18 Month Report BEU [3.7 MB]
18 Month Report PSTU [798.54 KB]
18 Month Report SUIT [4.39 MB]
18 Month Report UTECA [239.64 KB]
18_Month_Report_ITIT [1.13 MB]
18_Month_Report_TSACI [1.31 MB]
12 Month Reports
12 Month Report AZTU [7.09 MB]
12 Month Report BEU [2.77 MB]
12 Month Report DNURT [901.56 KB]
12 Month Report ITIT [2.49 MB]
12 Month Report IUHD [5.82 MB]
12 Month Report PSTU [792.14 KB]
12 Month Report SUIT [1.96 MB]
12 Month Report TSACI [220.16 KB]
12 Month Report UTECA [1.6 MB]
6 Month Reports
6 Month Report AzTU [618.92 KB]
6 Month Report BEU [633.41 KB]
6 Month Report DNURT [4.92 MB]
6 Month Report ITIIT [3.3 MB]
6 Month Report IUHD [8.56 MB]
6 Month Report PSTU [553.36 KB]
6 Month Report SUIT [1.13 MB]
6 Month Report TSACI [1.85 MB]
6 Month Report UTECA [16.61 MB]
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